Arterial atherectomy is currently the only effective clinical procedure for removing severely calcified plaque. The project team is committed to the development of a novel rotational atherectomy device which is more affordable, safer, and easier to operate, hoping to benefit more patients in China.
Compared to traditional atherectomy procedure, the project invented an innovative two-process small grinding wheel atherectomy: The first process utilizes a small grinding wheel to drill a hole through the calcified plaque and the second process utilizes the orbital motion of the same grinding wheel to open up the clogged artery.
The novel design is based on the computational fluid dynamics modeling by utilizing both rotational and orbital motion of the small grinding wheel to remove large size lesions in the blood vessel. Major advantages of the design include: lower grinding force, lower temperature rise, smaller debris, more likely to avoid stuck during the procedure.
A company, Guangzhou Bossh Medical Technology, has been formed and the device is currently being tested on animals.
Guangzhou Boxin Medical Technology Co., Ltd. is a technological innovation and entrepreneurial enterprise. The company is jointly established by the technical team members from University of Michigan and BICI.